Effects of Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage:

  • deep relaxation and harmonization of the organism
  • stimulation of the blood circulation and lymphatic system
  • removes tension in muscles, relieves spasms
  • increases mobility, relaxes joints
  • detoxification of the organism
  • prevention of mental health problems
  • nourishes the skin thanks to quality oils
  • enhances the feeling of peace and well-being

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage has become very popular among massages, not only due to its relaxing and therapeutic effects, based on the ancient techniques of Hawaiian healing rituals, but also due to smooth, rhythmic and harmonious strokes of the masseur's hands and forearms. In addition, the extraordinary experience is enhanced by the scent of exotic oils, pleasant music and the movements of a masseur, as if dancing around. However, Hawaiian massage is not just a pleasant and relaxing massage. Massage touches, guided by the forearm, elbows and the edge of the hand also have a high therapeutic and healing effect. They significantly release muscle tension and blockages, stimulate the lymphatic system, remove muscle spasms and joint blockages, and overall detoxify and energize the body. A pleasant addition to this exotic massage with the apt name Lomi Lomi (loving hands) is the harmonization of the emotional and mental spheres. Longitudinal and smooth strokes evoke the feeling of waves flowing over the body in a rhythmic and soothing sequence. The supple and at the same time effective strokes of the hands of a masseur, working simultaneously on several different parts of the body, then bring this magnificent massage to perfection.